Thursday, May 3, 2012


As Spring moves into Summer, the desert heats up.  Spring is nearing its completion. The Sonoran Desert is 97 degrees, moving closer to those 100's, and is absolutely glorious.

The landscape is ablaze with color.  Yellow and purple predominate, with red, white and pink, the rare fuchsia flashing at you.

The waxy white blooms of the Saguaro cacti are here, a full month in advance.  In climate change, that is 6 to 8 weeks ahead of time, on average, over 50 years ago.

The world keeps going forward.  And so do we...for to move forward, even into the flaming Sonoran Summer takes courage, heart, and the knowledge that what is now will change.  The future is as brilliant as Spring, all ways.

So the question is what are you completing, and going in to now?

This is Venus De Spring Rocket Scientist, Altered Collage Art by Rosalie.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Everyone has a favorite time of day, and mine is Sunset.  It is when the mountains turn pink at that exact moment the sun is about to set.  I like to time my life around that moment to feel perfectly alive, and in tune with the aspects of nature.  This moment is a touchstone of my life, something I have observed in my most fortunate moments, and there is an awesome awareness of being alive in those precious moments.

Ideally, we are all 'in the moment' all the time, yet this tends to be an allusive state of being, one which our brains want to sabotage as soon as we are there.  Can you feel the peace of just being?

Another touchstone of aliveness, that I created for my own 'peaceful, benign superstition, is to see the constellation Orion in the night sky.  When I see the Hunter Orion, with his belt, his outline of four bright star-points, and the Pleiades (the pale stars of the Seven Sisters) that are part of this constellation which can be seen out of your 'side sight'--not directly looking at them--I just know that everything is Okay.  There is nothing wrong with the world, or me, or you, or anything, it just Is What It Is, and peace is deep inside, accessible, tangible.

No matter what happens peace is right there for you by just letting go of being wrong or right.  Let go and just be.

What touchstones do you have that bring you to awareness of your aliveness in the moment?